30 Day Strength Challenge For Beginners

Jenn • 37 year old woman trying to keep things in perspective.
I'm doing this challenge that was posted by My Fitness Pal's Facebook page last week. I'm in no way affiliated w/My Fitness Pal; I'm just a 35 yr old, 310 lb woman trying to better herself. 
If you're reading this, I'm holding mysf accountable to you (since I stick with it better when I have a fitness boss). I've chosen to use Glow as a journal. 
Day 2 (7.11.15) - Rest Day; Thank little Baby Jesus they built in a rest day! I woke up fine but as the day crept along, the more sore I became. MUCH more than I anticipated so I'll take that to be more confirmation that I'm doing a good thing. Happy w/my results so far. 
Day 3 (7.12.15) - Cardio; 20 minutes. I'm still sore but much less than yesterday. I dusted off the treadmill for the first time this year, connected my iPad mini and watched the last 20 minutes of Kill Bill. I'm much more easily distracted from my uncomfortable state when I have something to look at as opposed to listening to music. Mostly because I can't walk as fast as my music goes. Maybe one day I'll do the math for proper beats per minutes for my walking speed. 
Day 4 (7.13.14) - Cardio, 15 to 30 minutes. Today I'm at 99% in terms of recovery from Day 1. Decided to start The (American) Office over from the beginning. Greatful for my Netflix subscription. 😊