Membrane sweep

9•20•16💙 • Mommy of 3😊 Expecting our 4th 💙
Hello mommies who have already had their babies! .. I was wondering did any of you get a sweep? How far along & dilated were you?? I'm 39+1 and only 1cm dilated... Dr has me going back when I'm 39+4 to check me again & kick start labor.. I've been googling stories but those usually suck 👎 these days. I know that u have to be at least 1cm to get a sweep. I'm just curious on the successful some of you may have experienced! I just need a little hope right now
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I hope it works for me.. Everything just hurts these days... I have lost all patience & enjoyment


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I had a membrane sweep at 41 weeks and 4 days (around 8am). I had been slightly dilated and effaced for a month. I immediately started having regular cramping every 6-8 minutes that lasted 30-45 seconds. Around 2:30pm the cramping turned to contractions with backache that lasted 45-60 seconds. At 3:30pm my water broke. I checked into the hospital at 6:30 pm at 3cm, 80% effaced and contractions every 3-5 minutes. My son was born at 11:30pm. 


9•20•16💙 • Jul 14, 2015
Well I'm still preggers ... But I did have a bloody show last night... My contractions have been irregular... Idk if anything is going to happen as far as labor 😕


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After your sweep walk walk walk I went into labor with my two sons hours after I had my membranes swept


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I had it done when I was 39 weeks with my first pregnancy and my water broke the next morning. I plan on having it done again with this pregnancy, and I'm hoping for the same results.😊


Danielle • Jul 14, 2015
I was 2cm


9•20•16💙 • Jul 14, 2015
Do u remember how many cm u were dilated?


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I've had it done twice each time with my last four pregnancies and it gave me cramping but never put me into labor. I'm not even going to go through the pain of it this time around. I'll just wait for baby. All my singles were induced at 41 weeks and my twins were induced at 38 weeks. 


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Something has been telling me he did it yesterday & didn't tell me so I wouldn't look for things to happen. Because that was the most painful cervical check I've ever had. I had "bloody show" last night


Hannah • Jul 20, 2015
Same here! She checked me for dilation and "checked my membrane" at 38+4 but it hurt horribly and I bled a lot immediately after although it stopped within the hour. I lost my mucus plug the next day but nothing else exciting has happened! Just turned 39 weeks today.


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Had my first done at 37+6 on Thursday. First few hrs after had a ton of brown spotting. Friday afternoon after walking around ikea lost my mucous plug which was also nasty brown that kept coming for two days then I'm still spotting brown blood. I've had a few contractions and continuous cramping. I thought it would be more painful but less painful then the two speculum exams they've done to see if I was leaking. If I don't have her by my appointment on Thursday I want another sweep. 


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Got my sweep done today! Been having contractions since last night that continued over today... Just waiting it out to see if anything happens 


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Just thought I'd let everyone know that I lost more bloody show!! Day/night #2