My friend- very long

Callie • Me and my boyfriend have been together for two years.
My friend is going threw a lot right now. Her step father raped her since she was 12. We meet a few months ago. She was dating my boyfriends brother. We became friends right away. Well her family kicked her out because of her step dad. She then went to foster care, then CMSU (it's like children youth) moved her into my boyfriends house. Well things didn't work out there. Her and my boyfriends brother were always fighting and sometimes it would get fisical. So she moved back into her family's house. (At this point her step dad and mom and sister all wanted her to move back in) she did it to get away from the bad situation that she was in even though that was a bad situation. Well she has gotten disability checks since she was like 12 because of her parents. They would take her money and spend it on whatever they needed. They didn't even save a penny of it for her. They used it as their income and that pretty much alone. Well her checks got stopped. Cmsu was to help her months ago to get it back. So she could start saving to get her own place. They never did that. They never once tried to help to get that done. This is why she ended up not know what to do or where to go. She just turned 18 two weeks ago. Oh plus her parent would not let her get a job! ( I feel it's because they did not want her checks to be lowered) Well two days ago her step dad headbutted her in the face for no reason! So what she did was called for she started punching him. Then he called the cops and kicked her out of the house. She then had to sleep on the streets. (I had no clue this had happened) Well yesterday I messaged her because I've been trying to make sure she's okay. She told me all that, and I was trying to find a place for her to go. I guess she then tried to go back to her house to get clean cloths! That's all! Her step dad then started screaming at her to get out. They then ended up outside where he picked up a metal poll and was going to hit her with it but her sisters friend stopped him he then hit her in the face. She wanted to punch him back but the friend stopped her. The cops got called and then they both got fines, she also talked to the cops about being homeless and they did nothing to help her, neither did the cmsu case workers. She still has a year left of school, she is still considered a child and they should have done something to help her. But no one did. I was limited with how much I could do since I'm 16 and my dad and step mom can't let her stay at my house. So I talked to my mom who lives in Florida and I live in Pennsylvania. My mom found her some place to stay. I just really wanted to vent. It was stressful for me knowing that all these people could have helped her and no one did.