I need your help...is this a BFP?

Faith? • Faith♡Peace♡Love
Hi ladies! I need your help please. Unexplained infertility. Had 4 rounds of Femara with #1 <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>: BFN. Switched to Clomid, started 50mg now up to 150mg. Clomid 150mg CD 5-9, Ovidrel on 7.2.15, <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>#2 on 7.4.15, & progesterone suppositories 3dpiui until present day. TTC#1 trying for 2yrs. So i added a few pics of some pregnancy tests I've taken and I've read by some the 2nd line may get darker the longer it sits throughout the day and if so it's a BFP. Some say it's a BFN. I need your help ladies please. I truly want this more than anything in this world! God has truly helped me get thru it all but I'm starting to get nervous. Please help me! Please give me your thoughts and experiences. Prayers & Baby dust to all xoxo