
Rachel • Finally after 2 1/2 years of trying for another child and suffering through 2 early miscarriages we have decided to stop trying. Until we made that decision I didn't realise how much stress it caused.
Before I got pregnant and had my mc I had a 28 day cycle. Rarely I would start one day early or one day later. After the mc my cycle went to 25 days. I hated that it got shorter but I was starting to get used to it. Earlier this week I started spotting and had quite a few symptoms. It all started a week before expected af. My husband and I started thinking that I was pregnant again and were getting very excited. Then this afternoon the spotting turned into af showing up 4 days earlier which made this cycle only 21 days. I'm pissed off, sad and emotional. The cramps are horrible along with feeling sick and tired. Ugh sorry just needed to vent.