I know this is crazy but I'm terrified please help !

So recently I lost my bitginity & I mean I don't regret it but I am terrify ever since the next day after inter course I thought about what if I could be pregnant we did not use a condom and he came but after I gave him a blow Job but I was wondering if before the man cums the wetness of his dick what is that ? & could that get me pregnant ?????!!!!! 
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Precum can definitely get you pregnant, but I believe the wetness you're talking about is your own fluids. If it was all over & he had just been inside you, then that's definitely from you, but precum could be there as well. As someone already said, you should probably get Plan B & then immediately get on birth control &/or use a condom next time! Unprotected sex is never safe for someone who isn't wanting a baby!


Posted at
The only 100% sure way to avoid pregnancy is to remain abstinent. Even the most advanced birth control methods cannot prevent pregnancy 100% of the time. So, in answer, you definitely could be pregnant. Using some kind of protection next time will help your peace of mind. 


Posted at
Precum can get you pregnant, though I believe it's lower odds. I would recommend getting plan b asap and use a condom next time, they're not that expensive.


Michelle • Jul 19, 2015
It is lower odds, some men have a few viable sperm in there, but others have none. So its possible.


Posted at
Precum. It's unlikely, but possible.


Posted at
Precum and yes, it can get you pregnant. 


Posted at
That's called precum, and yes, it can get you pg...