Bloody show

Daniele • FTM - baby boy ❤️
Hi ladies, just wondering how many of you had the "bloody show". For how long you had it, how it was for you ( I mean, did you know about it? Did you freak out?lol) and how long took you to go into labour afterwards? 
I just had a bloody show this morning. Didn't know what to think, so I called the hospital and was told to come in to be checked. Everything was fine and I'm only 1cm dilated with irregular light contractions that I didn't even feel. I have been losing mucus for about a week or so but never with blood like today.  I'm back home now but everytime I need to use the bathroom it still comes out...and  just seeing this bloody stuff makes me a little nervous, but as I told this morning everything is fine I'm just trying to forget about it... 
Ps: no pain