Three Year old keeps apologizing


My DH got me a lovely necklace for Christmas one year. I always wear it, my children often focus on it. During the night a while ago I rolled over and broke my chain. I looked at it the next day and realized I would have to take it to a jewler to fix. I left it on my bedside table and forgot about it.

A few weeks ago my daughter came to me with huge sad eyes and told me she broke my necklace, it was so heartwrenching. She had the necklace in her little hand and gave it to me just certain I was going to be angry at her. I quickly tried to explain to her that she didn't break my necklace and that mommy broke mommies necklace, but she just kept saying she was sorry. so I let it drop, I figured she would forget about it, all would be well. but she hasn't forgot about it. it had been a week and she keeps telling me, and others, "I broke mommies necklace, I sorry." and I keep correcting her, and it is not working.

Now today she is telling me she is sorry she woke her little sister, she didn't wake her. Her little sister woke her up, not the other way around (her little sister had been up for a couple hours already)

How do I get through to her that she doesn't need to apologize for things she hasn't done? Is this normal? A phase? At some point I am going to mistakenly yell at her for doing something she didn't do if she keeps claiming it is her fault.