Pregnancy sex

Christina • 20 year old married Mommy of 2 healthy active boys ages 2 & 4 & expecting baby on November 25th 2015 :)
I just wanted to throw this out there my little brother (aged 19) & I were having a conversation today about pregnancy & sex. *We are close in age & have always been close enough to talk about almost everything* he really didn't see how women have sex during pregnancy. He told me he'd be scared to have sex with someone pregnant in fear of the baby grabbing him or something messed up would happen. I couldn't help but laugh & had to seriously explain to him sex is not like the crazy stupid movies show sex with pregnant women & that the baby is in its own separate place. It drives me nuts that some men are so afraid of that because of how movies portray it. But still find it hilarious that my brother would think its true 😂