Pregnant and hormonal

Ok so I'm currently just after the 5w mark and I'm getting to the point where I'm emotional. My MIL told my fiancé that he should be prepared and to not make me angry or sad because the hormones would exaggerate things within me. The thing is, though, I'm almost sure he doesn't really give a shit. She and his sister are always telling him to stop arguing with me especially over dumb shit and to just put up with it for a while, but all he does is do things that he knows will make me mad. What do I do? I'm tired of crying everyday and always being mad (I can hold a serious grudge). I've tried talking to him and we've all (he has 5 siblings and his mom) tried to make him understand but he just won't. What can I do? I'm to the point where I'm crying as I'm typing this. It's that bad.