What a day!


So Hailey Aurora was born 22/07 09:40, weighs 2.72kgs and is 48cm.

Was very scary and not quite what I expected but so happy she is here!

Went in for an induction last night, they started me on a gel to help shorten and thin my cervix, had very light menstrual type cramps. Got two sleeping tablets as they thought I was in for a long day so I should get a good night's sleep....They didn't help much.

At 2am they woke me to insert 4 pills into my cervix, a few minutes later I started getting contractions...intense but still bearable. At about 5am they became horrible and they checked me and I was only 1cm dilated. By 7am I couldn't speak anymore they were so bad and could barely walk. I decided at 4cm I want the epidural because I felt I might not be able to handle the pain as well as I originally thought. They checked me again and I was 3cm so they called a anesthesiologist. Suddenly my contractions became intense with what felt like no break in between. I stood up for the midwives to change my bedding after my membranes were ruptured manually and wasn't able to sit back down. Told the midwife I NEED to push badly 15 minutes later after my last check and they found I was already at 10cm in 15 minutes!!!! They told me I don't need the epidural anymore but I could still have it if I wanted to....being a little shaky and in intense pain I said yes. It worked so quickly and I still had the urge to push. 4 big pushes later and our daughter Hailey Aurora was born. I got a few stitches but they say the tear isn't very bad.