Pap smear

Alright ladies! This has got me a little uneasy... Yesterday I looked up my Pap smear results and it looked like I had a few strands of BV. Also, my WBC was a little high (I'm assuming that's why) They called me in some antibiotics that will clear it up, no problem.. Today my results we updated and a new result came up. It stated that I had abnormal cell results from my cervix.. called LSIL. I know that typically it is HPV that causes a smear to come back with that result but I've also read where it is possible that inflammation of the cervix can cause this result. I'm just curious as to if maybe since I have an infection, my cervix was swollen and caused these results. I had a gardasil shot before I was ever sexually active and although I know it doesn't prevent ALL strands of HPV, it does mostly protect against the strand that may cause cervical cancer. Any advice ?