Fetal Fibrocetin test just came back positive. Anyone?


Just hit 30 weeks. Just had baby shower TODAY and doc called to inform of positive results. Which means I'm at an increased chance of going into labor in the next 2 weeks.

Been ordered to go get steroid shot tomorrow & Monday to speed up baby lung development.

I just got VERY nervous.

Has anyone gotten a positive and still made it to 40 wks? Am I pretty much guaranteed? I feel like the odds are not in my favor. :(

Anyone? Advice? Help? :(

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Pregnancy still in progress but I had a positive FFN at 24w & with doctor intervention at the hospital & complete bed rest I made it to 32w before labor started again. Another positive FFN at 32w but here I am 2 weeks later 34w, 6cm dilated & still pregnant! Since I technically went 10w after my first FFN I would say it's possible for you to go 10w too although every pregnancy & birth is different 


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Here's the thing about That test, it's really only reliable if it's negative. When it's positive it means you can but not a guarantee that you will. They will release someone from the hospital with a negative but won't necessarily admit you for a positive. So don't stress it too much, just use it as a resource, because you got a positive be a little more vigilant of paying attention if you get cramps.. Good luck!!!


Posted at
I was having contractions (1cm dilated) and had a positive fetal fibronectin 2 weeks ago. They gave me the steroid shots and a presciption for procardia to stop the contractions. I'm 31w3d at this point... On strict bed rest and hoping to make it to at least 37. I haven't spoken to my OBGYN since the positive reading because she's been on vacation 😐, but I do have an appointment in 2 days. I'm going to ask her the likelihood of making it to 40. 


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I have not experienced this, but my understanding is that although a positive test result is associated with labor in the next 7 to 10 days, it is NOT a guarantee that you will go into labor in the next 2 weeks. I would be stressed by your situation, too. Best wishes!!