UTI ???

Okay guys so my SO came back from a 7 month deployment over seas. Thank god & you know we've been getting it on , but I think I have "honeymoon cystitis" it burns to pee & it sucks , I am bloated so bad I can't even breathe. Also , I will make a dr appointment as soon as I get home but it'll probably take a week. What can I do in the meantime??? Help 😭😭😭😭
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A UTI turns really worse really fast. It can go into your kidneys but drink as much water as you can and avoid sugary drinks. Drink 100% natural cranberry juice and water and drink as much as you can and take the azo cranberry pills to. But as soon as you can get to the doctor. Like UTIS can get really serious really fast so make sure you get to the doctor as soon as possible


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Go to an urgent care to treat the UTI


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Go to urgent care to get tested ASAP. I went and was told I had a really bad UTI/bladder infection that I had hardly any symptoms for, just an urge to pee frequently, I ended up in the ER two days later with a kidney infection. It can get bad fast! I had let mine get bad because I didn't even know I had one for sure so def go. Kidney infections are no fun and painful!


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I'm not assuming anything and bite questioning anyone's character but if the uti test congress back fine get std tested. My sister had the sane symptoms and felt like she had to always pee. Turns out she had chlamydia.


Sarah • Jul 27, 2015
er to get out treated asap. out can cause serious damage fast if not taken care of right away


Sarah • Jul 27, 2015
true! go to Dr


Samira • Jul 27, 2015
It's better safe than sorry! But I am 100 % sure I do not have an STD. :)


Posted at
Drink lots of 100% Cranberry juice and buy some AZO pills. Stay away from carbonated drinks, and try to drink only the juice and water. I suffered with horrible UTI'S before my son was born. I hope you get some relief soon.


Valarie • Jul 27, 2015
You're welcome! It is miserable! I used to get them so bad that I would run fever and had blood in my urine. I went to a specialist and they discovered that my urethra was too narrow and that was making it easy to get the UTI'S.


Samira • Jul 27, 2015
Thank you so much! It's one of the most uncomfortable pains ever!