Just Wondering What My Bodies Doing...

Hana-Michelle • ♋️25.♋️ Lauren`s Muvah👧🏽 A Capricorn`s Luvah ♑️ Creative Heart Healer in my spare time ❤️ TTC since 2008🙏🏾
Hello everyone! Just a question: My period was supposed to come on the 17th and didn't come until the 21st. Which usually it does come still around the 3rd-ish week of every month. However, it's been odd. I bled from the 21st heavy until the 25th, then I began medium spotting....& am still spotting. Not sure if I should go to the doctor or not, but my period is definitely only 4 days & it's light-heavy-heavy-light then over. No extra anything. Anyone else ever experienced anything similar? We've been TTC for about 2 1/2 years now with no luck (from clomid either).