Am I pregnant?

My cycles are 28 days and very regular. This cycle began on June 25th and my period was three days long. It was heavy and I had some spotting for three days after that. I had intercourse on July 3rd, 4th, 5th, 10th, and 11th. We used no protection and want to conceive. I had some slight spotting on the 11th. My period was supposed to start on the 23rd and that never happened. I've had some nausea and had negative pregnancy tests so far. I used the cheap strips and have decided to wait before buying a more expensive one. I last tested on July 22nd. I started having some light brown spotting last night and moderate cramps. My periods start out heavy and I never have cramps so this isn't typical for me. I also had a little red blood and a few clots. The bleeding stopped after that until this afternoon. I had a little heavier bleeding and have seen brown blood, some clots, and some red blood. It lasted about an hour and then stopped again. My flow is always consistent. I'm really confused since none of this is normal for me.