Ashley • 21. TTC for 7 months now. My boyfriend is the best thing to ever happen to me. We just want to start our family already!
I really need people's opinions on this and please don't be rude.
Okay, so I had a missed miscarriage which resulted in needing a D&C on New Year's eve. Every cycle after that was 42 days, but I had a period June 12th and then I had another period July 11th. This time it was different than ever before.
Now I'm having what I think are some symptoms. I'm pretty bloated, some nausea, but only right after dinner, my nipples are a lot darker and seem to be getting bigger, headaches, bad gas that smells real bad too and dizziness.
So any of you think my "period" could have been implantation bleeding? That would mean I'd be 4 weeks, but I'm not sure if you can get all these symptoms this early. Should I take a test?? I wanted to get opinions before I took a test.
The only reason I'm questioning it is because I've been having all these symptoms and I do not feel right, but the "period" was like a normal period, just not as heavy, but lasted 5 days.
Thanks in advance