
Brianna β€’ TTC my Rainbow Baby ! Miscarriage 12/26/14 & Ectopic with Left tube removed 5/20/18πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

I'm not one to judge so let me just rant lol

My friends sister is 21 she has a daughter who just turned 1 .. The child's father hasn't been involved or supported the baby in any way shape or form .. This Girl has moved back and forth from 3 different family members houses since her daughter was born she has a part time job but her older sis has literally bought everything her daughter has needed since birth.. She has a boyfriend that she's been with for about 10months . He lives with

his parents and has a part time job also .. Who knows if she was planning this or not but she found out she's pregnant yesterday .. She believes a baby is a blessing so of course she's excited .. &I'm over here like 😢 WTF.. Im 23 , financially OK I have my own place and me and my man have been together almost 5yrs..We miscarried our first pregnancy.. When Will I be blessed with my rainbow baby!!! Ugh Life is Complicated 😣