Pregnant ladies! What was your implantation bleeding like?

Alicia • 25 years old, married for 3 years to my best friend, puppy mama! and TTC our first since June 2015... We can`t wait!!!
9dpo today and had a small amount of light brown spotting this morning. I had dull cramping 2 days ago. My predicted AF is about 6-7 days away. Trying to be hopeful and not be crushed by seeing some blood, any positive stories with implantation bleeding around this time?
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I miscarried but mine was a little bit of pink in my white creamy cm and the second time It was the littlest trace of pink blood when I wiped. Very very little. But I've heard other women can have it much darker and what not. It varies. But rule of thumb, it's never red. 


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I had implantation bleeding. Thought it was my period starting but it was too light to really need anything. It was never really bright red and the closest color I can match it to would be chipotle Tabasco sauce lol. Spotted for a few days and even the day I got a positive preg test then went away about a day later 


Dr • Jul 29, 2015
Chipotle sauce 😂 I'm dying


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I had none.


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