I wanna cry

It started out with one finger now its 3 all together. They hurt so bad and i need to go to my dr to have her cut them because they are down to where my cutical is and i cant even wash my hair without them hurting 😧 my last paycheck wasnt alot because i was getting stuff done for a new job im getting. And i had to buy work clothes , which was a little over $200 plus food shopping. And it left me with little to money. My husband was gone for two weeks and we dont share bank accounts or have access to eachothers money. I asked him if i can have about $60 in case i needed it and he didnt bring me home some and he usually just says im sorry. Im thinking of just taking all my new clothes back so i have money. I cant even go to my doctor because i dont have the money. im in alot of pain and irrtated that im broke and my husband wont give me any. We have a 6 year old also and i might need thongs for her. He leaves again in august for two weeks again and in septemeber . Ugh just feeling ugh. I dont want to have to ask my parents for money either. Thats embarrassing.