Birth Story: (super excited its my turn to do this btw
Birth Story: (super excited its my turn to do this btw!)
Fyi: long story bc I had a long labor!
At almost exactly midnight on 7/31 I started having contractions. Because of all the false labor I had been dealing with I just went to sleep. At 3 am I woke up to a strong contraction and wasnt able to get comfortable enough to go back to sleep so I got up, bounced on my ball, and took a shower. The contractions werent going away and became a Lot stronger. Around 5 am I decides to wake hubby and go get checked in triage. Fully expecting to still be 0cm (maybe a fingertip) but I was dilated to a 3, 50%, and a -1. They sent me walking for an hour but I was only able to dilate half a centimeter and efface 10% so they sent me home to rest and walk. When I got home I took some tylenol and fell asleep for 2ish hours. When I woke up we went to the mall and walked and walked. At first I was barely feeling contractions so I thought they fizzled but came to realize that the tylenol hadnt worn off yet. By the time we decided to go to the hospital again I had made it to 4cm and contracting good so they admitted me. I got lucky and got a room with a tub so I took full advantage of that! A couple hours later I was still a 4 so they started on pitocin (no surprise). I managed to get through the pain to 5cm before I was just too tired and asked for the epidural.
This turned out to be a nightmare. The lady doing it put it in wrong a couple times and sent shooting pains through the whole left side of my back. On top of that they had to give me 10+ numbing shots. Finally she got it in but soon it was apparent that it was only numbing half my body and the other half was in excruciating pain. I was in Constant pain of both contractions a min apart and the way Jayson was laying was causing serious pain in my back. It took over 2 hours to Finally get the right position and amount of meds to be out of pain. After that episode I was able to sleep for a couple hours.
At about 9 am they broke my water because my cervix was very stretchy but only at a 6 so they thought it would help progress me. At 9:30 my epidural wore off on one side again and I was once again in horrible pain. They gave me 2 more rounds of pain meds and I finally didnt feel pain in my back but a Lot down low with each contraction. It was because he was coming down.
At 10ish my midwife had to go check on another patient so she told me to page her if I started feeling continuous pressure. As soon as she closed the door I felt a weird sensation and lots of pressure so I called her. It took a bit to get her back in and when she checked me Jayson was almost crowning! I pushed for 15 minutes with no tears at all! Daddy was able to catch him and my mom cut his cord.
Our 9lbs4oz chunky butt is doing great and so far Im recovering good.
Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.