This is a little late!

On July 21st I went in to the doctors office for a routine sonogram (40 + 4) and they noticed that my fluid was low, my doctor came in to see me and told me to go up to labor and delivery and that they would be inducing me the next day! That night they had given me something to thin and dialate my cervix (I was only a 1/2 cm at the time) and 4:30 that morning they started the pitocin and I was only progressed to a cm, went 6 hours without an epidural (until they broke my water and the pain was horrific) with every contraction I had his heart rate would drop, that night around 9:45 pm my doctor came in to check me again and I was still only at a 3 and since my body wasn't progressing and his heart rate started to rise due to a fever I had to have an emergency c section and he was born July 22nd at 10:21 pm, 7 pounds 11 oz 21 1/2 inches long! 2 hours before his mommas birthday 💙