So emotional

I have been so emotional today. I got angry at my SO today because it is his first day off in 10 days and I was in the kitchen cooking lunch and he was doing dishes and I put a measuring cup in the sink and he flipped out for no reason. He told me it was because of work. I guess he checked the sales in his store and saw that there hadn't been any yet.. mind you its a mattress place and they had only been open an hour... I got upset because everytime we have a day off together he is always checking the sales in his store (when he doesn't have to.. it's not part of his job), calling his coworkers to see how their doing with their sales in their stores and texting them. It's like I come second to his job. He also picks up shifts whenever they ask him to without even checking with me first when I have things planned for us to do on our days off. I use to be his priority now I feel like I'm taking a backseat to his job. I work a full time job too but when I'm with him I'm actually paying attention to him. There have been too many times to count that I have told him something and it goes in one ear and out the other because he's too busy thinking about work on his day off. Am I wrong to feel this way?