He left for a broke 19 yr old chick whos family does drug

My man and I had the most amazing relationship. Until we moved into an apartment complex with a family who is nothing but drama and twist everything I say. They've tried breaking us up and I knew they were trouble from the start but they started to brain wash him and turn him against me especially their daughter she would tell me one thing then start flirting with him and acting some type of way. So we had a final blow up a month ago and hes bee getting crack from the dad excessively drinking his anger is out of control and every time I try to talk to the family they twist my words and trash me its horrible hell come home and be great and well work on stuff and then hell flip flop. They have such a hold on him to where they moved and bow they're trying to get him you move in I'm 7 weeks along and stressing over him all the time to where I'm out all night looking for him BC he refuses to text or answer my calls BC hes with them and he stayed the night I receive messages from her over her dads account he's over me and then saying he's just joking with me and he says he needs space and I'm crazy I'm fighting so hard and he has wanted nothing but a family with me and to get married and now the family has him convinced the pregnancy is fake and that I'm lying he refuses to acknowledge I'm pregnant and he's refusing to go to the doctors appointments I wanna give him space but I'm scared he's spiraling out of control and I see them taking advantage of his sweet nature and the fact he has a car and money a d the girls have nothing but dead end part time jobs the work 16 hours a weak and they just party and the dad excessively drinks and does drugs and I'm worried he's gonna just dip he's wanted to be a dad and I'm giving him this I get sick thinking of him with someone holding them like he would hold me kissing them I worry about his safety he's skipping work to nurse hangovers idk what to do and he keeps asking for space so he can think but he can't BC they're there in his ear talking trash and saying I'm not good enough. I feel like my fiance my beat friend and future father of our child isnt who he used to be and I'm losing him to trash. Advice please