Her boyfriend is my boyfriend.

About six months ago me and my boyfriend broke up, and he got back together with his ex that I don't get along with. Well about 2 months ago he texted me and said he wanted to be friends, so I was like whatever. Then he started talking to me like he liked me again but I just blew it off and ignored it because I still wasn't completely over him. Then him and his girlfriend broke up so we started hanging out more, and started having sex. Well after the second time we had sex, at some point they got back together, and no one told me, so we continued to hang out like nothing happened. But I ended up finding out because the girl tagged him in something. So I confronted him and I intended to end everything with him. But he is sorta my weakness so that night we had sex again. And the next day he kept saying I was his bae and he loved me and all this other stuff. But I just don't know what to do. Can someone help?