Possible implantation bleeding?

Lovely ladies!
Today about an hour ago I go to the bathroom and for some reason checked the TP and I see very faint pink/tan blood, such a tiny amount on the paper. I think nothing of it until I start walking down stairs to lay down for the night with my husband, and then it hit me, we have had 2 miscarriages in the past 3 years of trying, I remember the first time seeing the same thing and 3 weeks later finding out we were expecting me and same thing for the second baby. I am over the moon bc usually I'd be terrified of getting my hopes up but for some reason I feel it in my heart that this time is much more tangible than before! I'm supposed to be getting my period in 7 days. I've been dizzy for 2 days and today over my left ovary I felt ticklish little bubbles all day, he said it was gas in the opening, just like everyone else, I've been hoping and wanting this more than anything so please be kind, and share your opinions! TIA and yes I'm excited bc why wouldn't I be, just in case it's always better to stay happy and positive, thanks ladies!