Baby Colton has arrived

Due 7/31- arrived 8/4
8lbs4oz, 20.5in long
My labor was long....I went to the doc Monday and they found out that my amniotic levels were at a 2 (normal levels are 5-20). So doc sent me right to the hospital to start induction (only 1cm dilated). They started a catheter balloon ton dilate at 5:30 and by 11pm I was at 4cm. They started pitocin at 5am.... Well I labored for a long time. i went natural until about 6-7 cm... Finally after about 4.5 hours of contractions and my water breaking (which made my contractions intense and were coming every 1.5 mins and lasting about 90sec) , I decided I couldn't keep going and wanted an epidural, which was best decision of my life. So at about noon I had that in and I was able to relax! So I took a nap off and on and they would check me periodically throughout the day... But I wasn't really progressing. Basically my body got to 7-8cm and stopped! And they were concerned about his head size, shoulder size---getting stuck.... He had pooped in his fluid, so risk for infection, and basically since I wasn't progressing.. Then I was risking him and me, so doc said best plan of action was c-section. I cried about it for a few mins, but it worked out! He is absolutely perfect and mommy and daddy are so in love