Can't sleep in bed with SO

I've hit the end of my 22 weeks pregnant and just can't sleep when my SO is in bed because she snores way to loud and is pushing me off the bed. I slept on the couch and now my back is killing me. I can't get her to sleep anywhere else and it makes for no sleep for me. :( no clue what to do anymore. 
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I just make my SO sleep on the couch. I'm making the baby so I get the bed. There is really no debate because he knows I'm right lol. My DD co-slept for a year and probably 4 out of 7 nights a week my hubby was on the couch. It worked for us :-)


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Put the side of the bed against a wall and sleep on the side against the wall. Wear earplugs. ;) Tell your girl to take a couple of nights on the couch so that your back can relax and you won't tense up fearing the snoring and so on for a few days. Back pains are such a pain in the .. Well... Back! For me I've found that if it starts hurting I really need to be careful for a few days and then it will be okay again :)


karla • Aug 8, 2015
i did the bed against the wall thing yes it helped a lot in the way i couldnt hear him snore or just talk in his sleep! yes he talks a lot but when i hit my 32 weeks or so it go so bad it was horrible getting up to the bathroom i recently moved my bed back to normal and im so much better!! 38 weeks


Jenn • Aug 7, 2015
Thanks we will have to try the bed against the wall. I just hope getting out to pee won't create more issues.