Tummy time

How's everyone's babe doing with tummy time? Eric has decided that instead of working on lifting his head straight up, he'd much rather munch on his playmat and move himself in a circle. 😂😂
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We're getting there


Angie • Aug 16, 2015
Wow! That's great! My dd gives up and lays their with her fist in her mouth 😂


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He are getting there, Cameron will crawl in no time


Lasheay • Aug 16, 2015
Lol aww can I see your baby. My sister said the same thing ur baby look like someone else baby. I'm like no I know this is my heart lol


Serenity • Aug 16, 2015
Lol do we have the same baby? I was like who posted a picture of my son, lol he is so handsome


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She's likes it a little too much lol some times she is content to just lay that way but she also has done great work too she started flipping herself over right at one month


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My baby will tolerate it if I lay her on my chest but she hates being on her tummy on a mat. A lot of the time she just hangs out on her tummy and munches on her hands.


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Mila hates it, will lie on my chest and lift her head fine, but seriously kicks off on her stomach on the mat!


Kr • Aug 21, 2015
My baby's name is Mila too! Great name 😉


🌸 Holly 🌸 • Aug 21, 2015
I'm not doing it anymore - it distressed her! And people didn't used to do tummy time and everyone learned to crawl and walk fine! She lifts her head and is very strong so for the first time in putting my foot down! I can't see her upset like that again!


Amy • Aug 19, 2015
Molly hates it too. I feel awful making her do it. Screams and cries the entire time.😥


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He's doing pretty good. Hasn't tried rolling or moving yet. Just kind of stays there with his head up lol. He's 11 weeks. 


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Emily hates tummy time on a mat but tolerates it if she is on my chest.


🌸 Holly 🌸 • Aug 17, 2015


Angie • Aug 8, 2015
I tried her on a boopy and she lasted 5 minutes


Megan • Aug 8, 2015
Same with my baby. She will do it all day if she's laying on me but if she's on the mat I'm lucky if I get 5 minutes.


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Silas will allow it for a few minutes- while chewing on the mat too but then throws a fit! If he's on my belly he will stay for a while!