
Does anybody else have a problem with being wet down there all the time and there underwear be wet at the end of the day??? I don't even have to be sexually aroused it just always have a heavy moisture. My boyfriend think something is wrong! Lol!
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Same thing happens to me baby just use panty liners x


Posted at
I'm young and I'm always wet, no it's not pee. I'm not sexually aroused but for some reasons when I stand up I look down at my chair and see a little patch from exactly where the crotch area is. It sucks because people ether think I wet my pants or I'm really sweaty down there 


Posted at
Heh. It's completely normal. And different times of the month will have different textures too (sometimes it's goopy, sometimes it's a dry white, sometimes just wet, etc)... :)


Mizuki • Jan 8, 2016
When you get discharge like this it is actually cervical fluid changing and getting ready for sperm to come in


Posted at
If your are a virgin like me it happens frequently but it is normal for many girls who are currently not sexually active 


Posted at
I think is normal cause same thing here and I'm not pregnant


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Completely normal. Happens to a lot of girls/women. 


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I have the same thing and I'm not pregnant. 


Posted at
I'm the same way, this is my third pregnancy so I'm used to it. I usually go through a couple of panty liners a day