My chart this cycle


I still haven't gotten a solid smiley on my clearblue advanced digital OPK so my fertile window may change if I get a peak tomorrow (last day of testing). Hopefully this was enough! Baby dust
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I used dollar tree tests on Thursday and Friday evening and had a pretty dark test lines. Saturday morning was dark too. But clearblue never turned to solid. I don't know if the dark lines were true positives or not quite dark enough. I used the last clearblue today and it was blinking so now I'm at 8 days. I'm considering picking up another box just to make sure I'm not going to ovulate late and have a longer cycle! I would hate to have done so much work and tried to follow SMEP and then miss it because I haven't ovulated yet. There was a ton of EWCM on toilet paper this morning so I may be close. 


LB • Aug 10, 2015
Hopefully we can BD tonight but I just got done at the dentist and my mouth is numb! 😂😂😂


Shanna • Aug 10, 2015
don't waste the money on clear blue just keep bding a few days until ewcm is gone!


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I had 9 flashing smileys one month! Didn't get a solid until cd23


Shanna • Aug 10, 2015
yep! the month after i got ny solid on cd17! so random


LB • Aug 10, 2015
That makes me feel better. Tomorrow is cd 21 which is when I got my solid smiley last cycle. It's odd to me that I got so many blinking smileys while last month I only got one or two!