What's wrong with me...

Brittanie • Ariel Diana Nichole was born 9/7/16😊 Pregnant with my 2nd 💕
I swear I can't have kids. I mean, we're not trying. But it just worries me... & it's disappointing. I just wanna be able to be called "'mommy." 
--as some of you know, the last normal period I had was in June. Around the 24-30. Completely normal. Last month, I had what I thought was a period at first, but it only lasted 3 days (July 17-20). The first day was super heavy & I was cramping SO bad. The next 2 days was only spotting & not much cramping at all. 2 weeks later I started having crazy pregnancy symptoms, by the week to a T. Nausea (no vomitting), the smell of certain things made me sick, motion sickness, sharp pains in my lower abdomen, back pains, moodiness, sore breasts last week, nipples are peeling & the outside of them changed color a tad (not much). Between that period (or whatever) last month, & now... I've taken 6 tests, all negative. 
--last night around 11:30 PM my belly button started having major pains, at first it was mild, I took a shower hoping it would help. My SO & I went to go to bed after a long day, I started crying I was in so much pain. After about 45 minutes of crying, I went to the hospital. Blood tests, & a urine test was done. Urine test came back that I was completely healthy, blood tests came back negative for pregnancy..... 💔
--my next period is due on Thursday, & I've had no symptoms of starting like a usually do. I'm usually just wanting to cuddle with my SO & I cramp a little bit. Nothing. I'm so confused, aggravated, & so beyond disappointed... 