Feeling alone!

I'm 36 and have never been pregnant not even a blip. The hubby and I have been trying for 2 years now and nothing. Been to the dr and he's fine I just don't ovulate right on one side. So the dr said we could get pregnant it will just take awhile. Well I'm not getting any younger and this take awhile response might push me into 40!! I'm just so frustrated and sad, disappointed and mad. I always thought from the time I was little that id be a young mom and have lots of babies, well not so much. I guess I need to face facts that I may never get pregnant and have a baby and the sooner I figure that out the happier I'll be I guess. I just don't understand how someone can get pregnant so fast and so easily while people like me it never happens to. I guess some people have the babies and some people don't that's how it works and whatever luck of the draw in life you get that's what it is. 😞