
So my boyfriend started being distant from he never wanna hang out go out with me at all anymore I broke up with him and he begged me to take him back I did then we were back to normal for a week now his being distant again 😥😥😥😢
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It seems that once a break-up has occurred, relationships don't stand much of a chance, even if you guys get back together. If you broke up once, there must have been a reason, and it doesn't look like that issue has been resolved. If you want it to work, you need to have a real heart-to-heart with him. Find out why he acts this way and tell him how to make you feel more loved (some guys need it spelled out for them). If he's not willing to put in the work, I suggest ending it for good. (I'm sorry, I'm sure that's not the answer you're looking for)


Tori • Aug 13, 2015
No problemo. I know that no matter what you do, it'll be hard. You just need to approach the issue with your eyes wide open, and do what's best for you, even if it hurts for the moment. You should be with someone who appreciates your wonderfulness and makes you FEEL wonderful, too!


Harcheley • Aug 13, 2015
Thank you 😢😢


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went though a rough patch like that last year. we stopped texting constantly and we couldn't see each other as much due to school and work. we had many many talks about what was going wrong/ how I felt about certain things that her did and shared our POV about it. we were just really good at communicating our issues and eventually we got though it and now I can happily say we are more In love than ever!❤️ so I wish the best of luck to you!