Do you feel sexualized despite not feeling sexual?

Tara • I really hope this app doesn't have a lot of ready-to-argue folks using it… here goes nothing…
So, a few days ago I could not get out of bed! I was trapped in misery because I felt I could not be non-sexual if I wished to be, being born female.
It was particularly centered around the stupid extra fat on my chest known as breasts.
If you look at a lot of cultures and at history, breasts have not always been treated as a sexual body part- they were for feeding babies and that was it. Nowadays you can't even breastfeed a baby without someone freaking out that THAT "is sexual"… somehow… in their perverse, broken, minds.
Anyways, just wondering if anyone else feels sexualized/objectified/etc against their will?
I see myself as a human who happens to be female, and really wish American culture would change already.