Pregnancy after MC

First, let me give you a little background (a little long). We got pregnant on cycle 2 of TTC, when at that point we really weren't trying because we had a death in the family of a young cousin and I didn't have high hopes. Well, I got my faint bfp
on 7/29 at 13dpo. Well, I just had a miscarriage (naturally, no D&C) today at 5w6d. I had a bad feeling from the moment I got my BFP but tried to put positive thoughts into my mind. This past week, I was cramping on and off plus had brown/pink spotting a few days ago and this an which turned to bright red blood within a few minutes. I saw a doctor yesterday (my ob/gyn was off) and she could see only the beginning of a sac and today when the bleeding started, I went to see my doctor. I was a wreck on wed night and this morning. The doctor told me I was diagnosed with a threatened miscarriage and said that because I was cramping and bleeding moderately, there was a 50/50 chance of a mc, but he was hopeful. He talked to me for wuite sometime to reassure me that if I mc'd, it wasn't my fault nor it was anything wrong with my husband's sperm. I expected the worst anyway and when I did MC, I was pretty calm and did not freak out. I am definitely sad and disappointed but hopeful
for a sticky bean the second time around. My doctor told me to wait 2 cyckes to try again. How long did you wait after your MC to try again? How long did it take you to get pregnant again? Any advice? Thank you.