Mini vent/symptom list


I'm at least 9 dpo (maybe more, I don't track ovulation) and 3 days before af and I'm still getting bfns.

What's annoying me is my symptoms.

Stuffy nose

Slightly more sensitive smell

Random bursts of nausea

Boobs aren't sore yet (which they usually get sore 6 days before af) but they feel full and warm.

Tightness/pulling feeling in my lower abdomen

Hungry all the time

Peeing a lot

Passing gas a lot

Went from diarrhea to constipation this week

Increased watery CM


Lower back soreness

And just in general feeling weird.

AF is due Tuesday, and I hope she never shows her ugly face. But if I'm out this month, I may delete Glow cause I compulsively check it way too much and it may be psyching me out a little.

P.s. around my fertile week, we BD'd every night for like 2 weeks.