Should I take a pregnancy test!

Samantha • I am 27 years old, I have a loving husband and a 5 year old son with autism.We are so excited to extend our family and welcome baby #2.
So with my try at my first child I feel like we were successful the first month after deciding to not use contraceptives anymore. Now it's 5 years later trying for #2 and my first month was not a success. I was a bit discouraged getting a negative result following a period. Now I'm half way through month 2 n I'm curious to kno if I am pregnant or not. I feel like a change but maybe I'm getting myself overwhelmed. Could I have been pregnant even though I have my period. Should I go to the doctors or just wait again til the end of the month and see if my period come. IDK ladies please help I don't want to feel like that show "I didn't kno I was pregnany".