I made milk!!!

Mandi 😈💀 • Expecting #2 August '15!
I just needed a place to celebrate. With my first baby I was so anxious, I hated breastfeeding so much, and I tried to pump but I had nothing. This time around my SO has been a huge help in making sure I have the time to pump by feeding the baby so I can pump while she eats, and I am so incredibly happy to say that after giving birth on Tuesday, I have made milk!!! I have been collecting it all day since the first drops appeared at my 2am pump this morning. I almost have about half an ounce! Meanwhile my baby girl is getting formula, and will probably have to be somewhat supplemented for the whole time, but I am just so happy that my boobs decided to work this time and I allowed myself to be comfortable with the fact that I may not have any milk, and I am getting some. 
That's my happiness for the day 😍