Relationship Problems, sorta

So a few weeks ago I stated talking to this boy who I used to hang out all the time when we were really little. We haven't talked in maybe 8 or so years and I sort of like him. He isn't really the kind of guy I would normally have feelings for because I'm more into the cocky, sporty kind of guy and he is nothing like that. He is really nice, funny, caring and just overall a great person to hang out with. We began talking, texting all the time, and he started to like me back. It was always kind of awkward when we were around each other in person because all of our friends would say and do things to us making it awkward for us. I texted him one day and told him I wasn't interested in having a boyfriend and that I still want to talk to him and that I do like him but at the moment I wasn't looking for a relationship. He was really upset about it because from what I had heard from our friend he was going to ask me out. Well we haven't talked in almost 2 weeks and I just hung out with all of my friends tonight and I invited him to come along with is. We didn't talk at all but I texted him later after we had all went home but he didn't seem interested in talking to me. One of my friends said that another one of our friends told him that I did the same thing to another guy and I'm just blowing him off so now the boy I like is pissed off at me and doesn't care to talk to me all that much anymore. I don't know if I am just not the relationship type person or if I'm just nervous because I have never had a boyfriend before and I don't know what to do about it. Any advice ?