New type of pain - possibly a tiny bit of TMI

Anonymous • 24, married, TTC for almost 3 years. Love the app, community, and support from y`all lovely ladies.
Hey ladies! Hope you're all well...
For the last 3 or 4 days, I've started to get a weird tugging sensation in my lower left and central abdomen. This is a new area for me. I usually get slight tugging across my abdomen when the endo has grown back and stuck itself somewhere it should be. But this one is different... It's painful. Really painful. I'm balling up after my bladder empties, after a bowel movement, if I try and stand straight, if I try to lay flat, and even when I walk now. Does this mean what I think it does? That its now on a new part of my bowel and bladder? My husband is trying to contact my doctor for me because I can't get a hold of anyone here - something wrong with my phone speaker and he's not home right now. 
I'll add that I tested my urine and I don't have any sign of an infection - just a trace of blood in my urine which is kinda normal for me because of the lesions on my bladder and such. I'm also not constipated, although I've had an issue with my bowels for a few months now, where even though the still is soft and I would be able to pass it without any type of straining, I just can't do it due to the sensation of my stomach ripping apart. Even when I pass gas I feel that. 
I just want to know if any of you ladies have got this? I spoke to my mum and as far as she can remember, she never got this kind of pain in this area of her abdomen, and neither did my grandma. It's sort of a sharp, tugging pain when I'm at rest and not sitting/standing straight, or laying flat. But if I do, then I feel this type of burning and ripping sensation - kinda like a tearing muscle, but much deeper inside. 
I'm not going insane am I? I've googled it and have checked forums but none mention tugging in this particular area. I can't even continue my exercise regime, which really freakin sucks! 
Any advice on how I can lessen the pain, or if you've had this before and what it was? 
Thanks ladies. I appreciate you reading through me rambling on in my half-asleep state!