Welcome! Introduce yourself :)


Hi, I'm Emily. I started this group because I'm a survivor of an abusive relationship, and I would love a supportive community for myself and others. If you're currently in an abusive relationship, not sure if you are, or are dealing with the aftermath of such a relationship, this group is for you.

My ex partner was great at first - wonderful and supportive, in fact. When I became pregnant, he became controlling and manipulative - it started out very slowly and subtly. He began isolating me from my friends. Everything was my fault. He was and is skilled at gaslighting, his favorite form of abuse. The controlling, guilt trips and put-downs got worse - he was starting to really scare me. We tried couples counseling, but the therapist told me privately that he believed I was in a dangerous situation. The abuse was rarely physical, but even the threat of it was terrifying. When I left, he stalked me and tried manipulating my friends and family. He always presented a public image of Mr. Sensitive & Sweet. It felt like I was the only one who saw his true colors, his rage, his obsession with dominance. I still have to deal with him today because we have a child together - it is a huge struggle for me to have to face my abuser, but I'm lucky to have the support of my friends and family, many of whom did finally witness his abusive behavior for themselves (even if it was just the tip of the iceberg).

Please share your own story, or simply introduce yourself. If you're not sure if your relationship is healthy, or if you feel you can't do anything right, or if you're afraid of your partner sometimes, we're here. Abusers are always great to you sometimes, whether it's genuine or another way to keep you off balance. And being with one is nothing to be ashamed of - abusers spend their whole lives mastering the techniques of psychological control, most of them subconsciously. It's not your fault.