
Michelle • Pregnant with baby #3
How often do u gals pump? Also do you pump in the middle of the night??
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I have a monster supply since I started pumping from the get go, so I do seven pumps a day for 17 mins each time. My son is 7 weeks old. (Supposedly, you should pump for a total of 2 hours a day, so 120/7)Here's my schedule: 3 am8 am11 am2 pm5 pm8 pm11 pm


Hayley • Aug 24, 2015
I've heard 1am onwards at some point u get your best supply


Ke • Aug 24, 2015
Oh and the 3 am, I make double what I normally make, so I don't really want to drop it that badly!


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I pump every time my baby eats. Here's a couple days of my pump logs


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I am currently 15 wpp and I pump 4x a day. I am an overproducer so for most people in the early stages are between 6-8 pumps per day. For sanity sake I dropped my MOTN pump when my LO started sleeping for 5-7 hrs a night. No sense in waking up when he's not. So I pump at 10 (in fact I'm pumping now) and then again between 5-7 when he wakes up. I was doing 5 ppd but the 6pm pump was too difficult. Currently I pump between 5-7 am, 10 am, 3 pm and 10 pm. 


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I'm so bad at pumping in the middle of the night. I'm guilty of not waking up to pump :( But my last pump of the day is usually around midnight. We go to bed late. I know I should pick up at least 1 middle of the night pump though. 


Ke • Aug 25, 2015
If you do a 1-3 one, you will get so much out!! I make double!


Cindy • Aug 24, 2015
Same here. I get so lazy:/ I do one pump around 4-5am though because i usually wake up from the pain in my chest and dripping 😳


Posted at
I try my best to pump every 2 hours while I'm awake and I pump each time baby wakes in the night after I feed him. It's really helped to increase my supply but it is exhausting!