You want answers dad... talk to me

"Why wont you talk to me?"


I dont want to talk to you because although I grew up my whole life thinking you were amazing.. you were superman.. I come to find out when I am 30, that I have been a blind fool my whole life. That the blinders my mother made sure were on her children did their job well. I didnt realize that you were actually a really shitty father... manipulative, emotionally and mentally abusive, and selfish as the day is long.

This has nothing to do with my mother.. she is thankful you cheated and left.. she feels free now. This has everything to do with the fact that you took the cowards way out. You treated me like shit my whole life to the point where I figured it was normal.. until Thank God my husband showed me it is not supposed to be that way.

When I was getting married you actually had the BALLS to tell me that it wasnt worth going to. You sent me a birthday card over 2 months late and wrote on it how I am getting really fat again and I need to be careful or my husband will want someone else.

I dont want to speak to you or your whore because I Dont Like Her.. she is just as self centered and self absorbed as you are.. plus.. she has broken up 2 happy homes... 1st was your first marriage to my brother and sisters mother.... 2nd was the marriage to my mother.

Home wreaker can kids my lilly white ass.. and she can shove her psychology degree up there too..

I cant say I hate you... you are unfortunately my father.. I am obligated, by my mother, to not hate you... but whatever is the next tiny step above hate.. thats what I feel for you.

You disgust me. You are a horrible human being. You are the most self absorbed, selfish, mean spirited, hateful person I have ever met in my life. I Thank God I am nothing like you.. if I was.. I would end it.

Shove your opinions of myself, my husband, and my family up your old fat hateful ass..

And yes... I am laughing.. because Karma is a Bitch and she served your ass.. now YOU are the fat one... remember when you told me you would rather me be addicted to meth and skinny than be fat...

F You Fat Man.. thats what you get..

Have a great life without me.
