Last month in July we had first IuI that failed

Last month in July we had first <a href="">IuI</a> that failed!! So as we were gonna be gone a lot of the month of August for vacation we chose to skip the <a href="">IUI</a> in August and go natural. We used the clear lie digital ovulation tests and we BDed the day we got the smiley and 2 days after. We went on our vacation and I kept noticing brown spots appear on my face and as I googled that it said could be an early sign of pregnancy so I thought I would test today just to see what it said even though my period isn't due for 2 more days. I tested an it was positive!! 😊😊😊😊 sooooo exciting and on top of that my 19 year old daughter is also pregnant we are pregnant together!!! 😍😘😊😊😊