Bottle feeding vs breast feeding

Annette • Just got my bfp with our rainbow baby 🌈
I have 3 children aged 6,4 and 7 months. I breastfed all my children as it was something I wanted to do. 
With my baby he was born early at 34 weeks and was taken straight away into nicu and on day 2 was given an op due to his lungs collapsing. I wasn't aloud to put him to the great for 4 weeks as he was to poorly but I pumped and pumped for him so he could be tube fed with my breast milk and to keep my supply up until he was well enough to try himself. Even though I pumped it's not the same as breastfeeding it's impossible to bond with a pump and when he got to 3 months I had to combine feed which quickly turned to bottle only as he was still to weak and couldn't latch on strong enough and was losing weight.  I was sad to stop breastfeeding so soon but had some remarks as to why I didn't breastfeed when they didn't even know my story. 
I see a lot of posts saying woman should be aloud to breastfeed in public etc which I fully support but I feel that mums who chose to bottle feed get a lot of negativity too. It should be equal both ways. A mum should never be judged for breast or bottle feeding. 
What are your views?