
I got pregnant really quick with my 3rd, first month trying. Well telling my family isn't the hard thing it's telling my SIL....she's very judgmental and out spoken. Well tomorrow is my mom's birthday and we've got a cabin with most of our family...what better time to make the announcment then now. Well they're all having a few drinks and she tells me to have some of her drinks she got..obviously I couldn't so I explained that I'm expecting and her response was "hmm wow, okay then" I told her my grandmother was super excited I told her first and I was telling my mom tomorrow. Her response to that was "I'm surprised she was excited" then we start talking more about it and she's telling me well be prepared to always be broke...what of response is that. Why can't she be happy about my pregnancy. She's got 5 kids of her own why can't I have 2 and one on the way. I've been married to my husband for 7 years, we have two beautiful girls and we wanted to complete our family. I'm so tired of negativity it literally takes a toll on me. I just wish she was as excited as I am. That's the only reason I'm afraid to announce the news, is I don't want any judgmental comments, we're financially prepared, we upgraded into a newer bigger house, got a bigger car and prepared for this baby and when it happens it's like we get the response "wtf are you doing"