Can I get pregnant after PID? Worried:'(

Nicola • Married. 29 years old. Mmc at 11 weeks July 2015 and mc at 4+3 weeks Nov 2015. Pregnant with baby girl due 30.07.17 ♡♡
I had a miscarriage (natural) 6 weeks ago. I was 9 weeks. After my miscarriage I developed tenderness on my left hand side. This turned into pain a week ago and came on when I got my first AF after miscarriage. Drs don't know what's wrong. My uterus area felt tender and sore and hurt when pressed on my left side. No fever, no unusual discharge but have been feeling weak and lightheaded. The ultrasound was clear although this wouldn't diagnose Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. They have taken some swabs from my cervix to check for infection and a blood test to see if my cells are inflamed. I went to see dr again as I'm worried it will effect my fertility and as I had a slight temperature he prescribed antibiotics. The tenderness and pain on one side went just before I took the antibiotics but still having twinges of pain. Will my fertility be effected? Does it sound like I may have PID? Really worried xxx