
Ok so first let me start that me & my be have a great relationship, but this morning about 5 he text me asking me who this guy Chris was, he has asked me this before & I told him just a friend & he tried to hook up with one of my friends not long ago but no he has a baby and gf, well back in July this guy Chris posted a status of ruby rose or whatever her name is that all the chicks were going crazy over and going to make them turn bi well I commented on his status saying "I don't even know who the chick is" then I found a pic of her and posted it on there! He didn't even acknowledge my post which I don't care! Well I also liked some of his pics way before me & my bf even knew each other, so this morning my bf starts telling me fuck me & we are about to get a house and telling me screw the house. Not to mention I'm pregnant with his baby, he told me he will get him and the baby a place! Just going off on me, when I think what I said wasn't bad in any way! Let me add he works out of town in New Mexico I got on his fb & some chick wrote him saying I heard I was mean to you Saturday night next time I see you I'll buy you a shot! Ok he told me he had went out with the guys not about females being around, he would have never told me about it if I wouldn't have asked! I let the shit go because I trust him.....& I brought that up as well I've sent him 6 messages & no response which he's probably sleeping since he works nights. So do yall think what I did was wrong or is he over reacting?