Falling Asleep to TV with baby in bassinet?

My husband has to have the TV on to fall asleep at night. It used to drive me crazy but after 8 years I'm used to it now. We are expecting our first child in February and we want the baby to sleep in our room the first few months and then move him/her to the nursery. What should we do about the TV? Can my husband still watch it and will the baby transition to the quiet nursery okay? Does he need to stop watching tv while the baby's in our room? Any recommendations are really appreciated!!! 
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Posted at
We did noise during the day for naps and quiet at night - part of the way we taught her the different between night and day. She still sleeps with noise if necessary (20 months) but doesn't require it. I'd personally encourage him to give up the tv for his child. 


Posted at
This is one of my questions too! Except that I need a noisy fan to fall asleep. I want my baby to be able to fall asleep anywhere, but I literally will not sleep at all if I don't have that fan noise. I don't want my baby to become dependent on it! 


Gavon β€’ Aug 31, 2015
I'm that exact way. Omg.


Desiree β€’ Aug 30, 2015
Really? That's awesome. Maybe it won't be such a bad thing then. Thanks!


Jess β€’ Aug 30, 2015
They actually say having a fan on at night can reduce SIDS. I too can't sleep without the fan on.


Posted at
Good topic! I was wondering the same thing the other day. My hubs and I always fall asleep with the tv on. 


Posted at
When you move the baby to their own room, i would try with no noise and if they don't like it. I would get a white noise machine for them. That's just my thoughts if he needs the tv to sleep. 


Posted at
I hear they like subtle noises, so u may find baby sleeping better w/tv on. Idk yet tho. Ima find out around 8 days (my baby is due). We also sleep with the tv on.


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My husband is the same way. We had my first born in our room with the TV and fan going for the first few months of his life and I actually believe it made him a better sleeper. I watched so many of my friends be terrified of making noise when their baby was sleeping because they might wake him/her up, but not us. Our little one slept like a champ, we could have the bedroom door open and have guests over and he wouldn't budge. I attribute all that to not training him to sleep in a silent room (which is what all my friends did, and their babies needed silence to sleep).


Posted at
Well I stay up in the living room while my husband sleeps in our room, and the TV is the only thing that helps me stay awake with the baby in the basinet. We have one in our room too for the rare occasion our son sleeps long enough for me to sleep in our bed, but either way he transitions just fine and sleeps through the noise.


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If baby has trouble transitioning to crib from your room due to lack of noise then you could always pay some gentle music once baby is in the nursery to help 


Posted at
I fall asleep to the TV, and my daughter can fall asleep without and with noise and stay asleep so it doesn't seem to have bothered her :-) as long as it's on fairly low and you have dark at night and light in day so baby can differentiate you'll be fine x


Posted at
I used to have my son sleep in our room as a newbie too. I'm afraid of the dark so I leave the TV on as well. my son didn't have a problem with it. as a matter of fact I think it benefited him and us because he was able to fall asleep with noisy surroundings. I'm not saying that sleeping with the TV on is why.. but I'm not sure it wasn't either. I once read an article though that if you have a light or noise going on a part of our brains does not rest 100%...your motherly instincts will play a big part into its 😊 good luck!


E. β€’ Aug 30, 2015
haha. tell me about it. I'm 26 & still afraid!


πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ’™πŸ’™michelleπŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ‘£πŸ‘£ β€’ Aug 30, 2015
I'm so glad to find someone else who is,afraid of the dark it's embarrassing to me at 24